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Social Emotional Learning

Illinois Social Emotional Learning Standards

Social emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children develop awareness and management of their emotions, set and achieve important
SEL Wheel
personal and academic goals, use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships, and demonstrate decision-making and responsible behaviors to achieve school and life success.

These standards have been developed in accordance with Section 15(a) of Public Act 93-0495. This Act calls upon the Illinois State Board of Education to "develop and implement a plan to incorporate social and emotional development standards as part of the Illinois Learning Standards."

Illinois Social Emotional Learning Goals:

  • Goal 1 - Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.
  • Goal 2 - Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.
  • Goal 3 - Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.